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10 Seconds to Green Light..


Waiting for the traffic light to turn green in about 10 seconds time
About to turn on the ignition of my car,

I heard a small boy knocking desperately at my window
With small thin hands and a dirty attire he gave me a subtle smile 
He gently raised his hands to show a bundle of paper stickers that he wanted me to buy
With 5 seconds already gone, I quickly picked up a "SMILEY" strip  and asked the little boy
How much do I owe you dear? and he gently replied
Once he got his 10 bucks, he was satisfied and quickly ran by
For our 10 seconds were over and the cars were moving by
I left the signal with only 1 thought - It's not just the 10 bucks but I owed him more
Fighting daily for survival, such kids, working hard and making their ends meet
Need at the least, a tribute from me...
So the stickers you see on the painting, take a close look - are those that he gave me.....






Mixed Media on Canvas - 30" X 19"

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